Free Birth Plan Template

Starting at $12.95/month (billed annually)

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Expert-led classes covering the essential topics for parents to be

  • When and why to perform CPR and Choking First Aid
  • How to identify an unresponsive baby who needs CPR
  • How to perform CPR, including chest compressions & rescue breaths
  • How to perform Choking First Aid, including back blows & chest thrusts\
  • A step-by-step guide to handling common emergency scenarios
  • Signs of a choking baby and how to identify partial versus complete choking



  • Diagnosing and treating common challenges including sore nipples, clogged ducts & engorgement
  • How to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk
  • How to increase your breast milk supply
  • Pumping and building a stash – how to store and use breast milk
  • Signs your baby is ready to start solid foods
  • How to use baby-led weaning to introduce solids
  • Purees & how to make them at home
  • How to introduce common food allergens
  • Meal planning for new parents

Infant & Child CPR & Choking


Introducing Solid Foods



1h 11m

1h 6m

  • The causes of gas in babies
  • Burping techniques & positions for relieving gas
  • Baby massage for relieving gas
  • Answers to common questions on spit-up, bottle-feeding positions, and more

Baby Gas







  • Fevers: How to manage at home & when to worry (0-5 years)
  • Colds, flu, RSV, croup & pneumonia: what to look for and pro tips to care for a sick child
  • Vomiting, diarrhea & dehydration: causes, treatment & how to manage at home
  • Ear infections in kids (0-5 years)
  • Abdominal pain: causes, symptoms & when to worry
  • What to know about headaches in kids (0-5 years)
  • Common illnesses: hand foot & mouth disease, urinary tract infections, strep & pink eye
  • Establishing healthy sleep habits from the start
    Sample newborn sleep schedules
    How to set up your baby’s safe sleep space
    Soothing techniques
    Swaddling: how to do it, best products, and when to stop
    How to navigate the 4-month sleep regression
  • How to set up your baby’s sleep environment
  • A step-by-step method to get your baby sleeping 10-12 hours a night
  • How to get your baby to take predictable, age-appropriate naps
  • Pro tips for overcoming common sleep challenges like regressions, illness & travel
  • How to handle nap transitions
  • What motor development is & how it happens
  • How to support your baby’s motor and brain development through play
  • A deep dive into motor milestones, including head control, limb movement, rolling, supported sitting, and more
  • Signs to seek further support from a pediatrician or physical therapist

Sleep Training (5+ Months)

Common Illnesses in Babies

Newborn Sleep

How to Support Baby’s Physical Development

2h 17m

2h 13m


1h 45m


Dana Czuczka MPH, IBCLC


Vanessa Thornton   RD, CSP

Baby Nutrition

Ashley Derderian Sousa RN, BSN, IBCLC

Childbirth & Caring for Baby

Divya Kumar

Postpartum Well-being

Brita DeStefano

Supporting Baby’s Physical Development

Kate Arquilla

CPR & Choking

Jennifer Denzel

Newborn Sleep

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A birth plan helps ensure the most positive birth experience possible. Fill out our free template & pack it in your hospital bag.

  • How to handle cuts & burns in kids (0-5 years)
  • Swallowing objects & toxic ingestions: signs to look for & what to do
  • Seizures: causes, signs & what to do in the moment
  • Head injuries in kids: evaluation, when to seek care & signs of an emergency (0-5 years)
  • Bones & joints: how to manage injuries, signs, and symptoms, and pro tips for care
  • Allergic reactions in kids (0-5 years)

Injuries and Emergencies


1h 34m

  • The benefits of using baby sign
  • Common signs to use with your baby
  • When and how to start teaching baby sign
  • The three key steps to teaching baby sign
  • How to advance signs into the toddler years


Supporting Communication Skills



Relationships & Mental Health After Baby

1h 11m

  • What happened to the old me? Understanding your identity as a parent
  • Relationships post-baby: reconnecting emotionally & physically
  • The mental load of parenting: why it happens & how to manage it
  • Work-life balance: why “having it all” is holding us back


Baby Nutrition

1h 58m

  • How to transition your baby to milk & what milk to choose
  • Handling food throwing, cup dropping & other mealtime misbehaviors
  • Using flavors & textures to raise adventurous eaters
  • Introducing cups, utensils, & mealtime necessities
  • Navigating restaurants with babies & toddlers

Dr. Chase Parsons  DO, MBI

Illnesses, Injuries, & Emergencies

Stephanie Tuttle    MA, CCC-SLP

Baby Communication

Natalie Wiles

Baby Sleep Training

Why Use Our Birth Plan Template

Our birth plan template lays out all your possible options when it comes to the birthing environment, pain management, feeding, and so much more. Just print, check the options that feel right for you and your family, and pack in your hospital bag to share with your providers.

Know Your Options

Feel Empowered to Self-Advocate

Births don’t always go to plan, but by filling out a birth plan, you have a powerful advocacy tool that you can use with your healthcare team. And if your partner or support person also knows your birth plan, they can be there to speak on your behalf.

  • What textures to introduce first
  • What shapes to cut the foods in
  • How to make finger foods easier for your baby to grip and bring to their mouth!

Create an Experience That’s Unique to YOU

Ashley Sousa, RN, IBCLC, has nearly ten years of experience as a nurse in labor, delivery, and postpartum units. Through approachable methods and open and honest philosophy, she believes each journey to becoming a parent is a personal one that should be met with self-compassion. She is currently completing a master's of health education and is a parent of two.

Our Labor & Birth Expert

Ashley Sousa

Every birth is different, and by creating a birth plan, you can help craft an experience that’s unique to you and helps to fulfill the hopes and wishes you have for your little one’s birth.